If your system is  infected via a Ransomware then not to worry about that because i am here to tell you what to do:--

 STEP 1. Stop the internet connections and eject all the connected drivers.

STEP 2. Never give then any ransom amount because there is no guarantee that they will decrypt all the files.

STEP 3. Open Task manager and stop all the malicious activities that are running.

STEP 4. Ensure that the virus should not run in boot manager so open registry editor and go to current user
          Current version
and stop the exe file running on boot sector ..

STEP 5. Search msconfig and click on startuo and uncheck the virus to start on booting..

STEP 6. Reboot your system

If you want to decrypt your files than it is quit impossible because they use very strong encryption you can try some decrypters your files may decrypt also ...